Our Services
We offer a variety of cosmetic, preventative and restorative services. Below are just some of the ways we can help give you the beautiful smile you deserve.
Oral Hygiene
Deep Scaling
Periodontal Maintenance
Teeth Whitening
Fillings (your choice of material: silver or white)
For your comfort, we also offer Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) upon request.
Oral Hygiene
Deep Scaling
Periodontal Maintenance
Teeth Whitening
Fillings (your choice of material: silver or white)
For your comfort, we also offer Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) upon request.
Children's Services
Photo by Crystal Scheidies
We understand that the dentist is not always the most fun place to be, but at Scheidies Family Dental Care, we also believe in raising a generation of children that are not afraid to be in a dental environment. We take the time to meet your child and get to know them individually. We always speak to them in terms they can understand, even though we might sound silly. At your child's first visit, we will evaluate their comfort level in our office. Sometimes, that means just meeting the staff in the lobby, or perhaps a ride in our super cool chair. Our goal is to make them feel at home every time they come to our office!
Dental Trivia
Answer: Most of us aren't born with any teeth. Only one human baby has been born with teeth, in 2000. Lots of animal babies are born with teeth, though. Don't try tickling a baby shark or spotten hyena- you could get bitten!